call or text: (734) 238-3883
lynda's life coaching
find your calm
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my story
just the basics...
I'm a CLCI Master Certified Life Coach specializing in Relationship Management. I have over 20 years of experience working with adults in managing relationships and achieving improved life satisfaction and fulfillment. To see the details of my certification, click on the icon above left.
digging deeper...
My journey to becoming a Life Coach began over 30 years ago when I accepted a position with a large company in Corporate America. I continued in this role for the entirety of my career, retiring after 30 years and after more than 20 years of leading teams of various sizes. During my managerial years, I especially enjoyed coaching and mentoring colleagues and team members. I seemed to have a knack for connecting with people and topics often expanded far beyond just career coaching...marriage, dating, parenting, co-worker issues, health issues, time management, grief & loss and more were all on the docket. The feedback I received was amazing...from 'best manager ever' to 'you saved my life, literally' (yes, someone actually told me this!). When my corporate career came to a close, and I was considering my future, it seemed a natural next step to formalize a coaching role. Based on years of feedback from friends, family, colleagues and employees, I decided to specialize in relationship coaching, including self-care. I registered for CLCI's (Certified Life Coach Institute) intensive Certification and Master Certification courses. I completed the courses, attained the Certifications, and now regularly support clients in need by helping them work through relationship issues in a confidential, non-judgmental, thought-provoking environment.

if you're looking to improve
your relationship with your:
significant other
let's chat...
and see if I can help you
find your calm!